It’s time to rewrite the stories your mind keeps telling you.

Shift limiting beliefs, let go of unconscious blocks, and rewire the way you think to become the most empowered version of yourself.

Feel like you’ve been doing all the inner work but are still not where you want to be?

Let me guess… You’ve tried everything (and you’ve gained a lot of insight and made some progress along the way!) but your personal reality hasn’t actually changed that much.

You do meditation and mindfulness practices, but still your mind is racing, overthinking, and stuck in the same old thought loops

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You’ve read all the self-help books, listened to more podcasts than you can count, and understand why you feel the way you feel — but your thoughts and feelings haven’t really changed

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You’ve been to therapy and unpacked past experiences, but can’t shake the feeling that there is still something holding you back

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You say your daily self-love affirmations in front of the mirror, but there is still this little voice that keeps on judging, criticising, and doubting you

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You have a self-care routine full of exercises to regulate your nervous system, but you still have crippling anxiety, feel stuck in a chronic stress state, and struggle to rest

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You journal about your dreams and goals, but they feel completely out of reach and deep down you don’t really believe you will ever get there

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If this sounds familiar, please know you’re not alone. And that it doesn’t have to stay this way.

Dive deep into your subconscious

Did you know that 95 % of your life are driven by your subconscious mind? It is the blue print for how you lead your life.

Your habits, your emotions, your thoughts, and even the decisions you are making — all this happens mostly on a subconscious level. They are all part of your subconscious programming, becoming the narrative of the stories you keep telling yourself.

And if we are honest, for most of us, the narratives of our internal stories could use a little love. All too often, what we consciously want to create is at odds with our subconscious, holding us back in some way.

Hypnosis makes it easier for you to tap into your subconscious mind. It supports you in understanding your subconscious blocks and allows you to choose more empowering beliefs.

surrealistic image of the sun shining brightly in a women's mind


Do you ever feel like you are standing in your own way?

Change is difficult if the 5 % of your conscious willpower are fighting against the 95 % of your subconscious mind. Things become much easier when we start to work with our subconscious rather than against it.

Hypnosis coaching sessions are designed to help you tap into your subconscious mind so you can let go what no longer serves you, release unconscious blocks and stuck emotions, and create sustainable change.

In your session, you will experience a unique blend of potent tools, such as hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), and spiritual coaching.

Woman joyfully running through a beautiful field at sunset, feeling happy and free

Change your mind,
change your life.

How I can support you

Unsure which offering is the best option for you? Feel free to get in touch, I am always happy to chat about how I can support you best.

Words from the heart

“Thank you so much for today. I am so grateful, really, I can’t even put it into words. I’m feeling incredibly exhausted this evening yet it’s that healing exhaustion. Thank you so much for your guidance and care. Our session will always be something that will stay with me. It was of great value.

You’re a gift, Sandrina. Keep shining your light on this world. It’s needed.”

— Bec, Tranceformation Session

Ready to rewrite your story?

Sandrina, hypnosis coach from New Narratives, standing in the shallow waves of the beach

beautiful soul!

It’s a pleasure to have you here. I’m Sandrina.

As someone who loves to dive deep, I have fully immersed myself in the realms of personal development and holistic healing over the last few years. I have tried (and loved) many different modalities and techniques: from yoga to reiki, from meditation to ecstatic dance, from talk therapy to shamanic breathwork.

Throughout this exploration, I have always been fascinated by the incredible power of our minds and the words we use, by the way our thinking and our language shape our experience of the world. But I wanted to go deeper. I was looking for something with a more holistic perspective. Something that went beyond our conscious awareness and brought mind, body, and soul together. And I found it in hypnosis.

If you are looking for empowerment on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth, I am here. If you are ready to dive deep into your inner world and change the narratives of your story, it would be my honour to journey with you.

Are we in alignment?


you are looking for support, guidance, and empowerment on your personal journey

you are curious to dive deep into your inner world and explore

you want to work with a modality that moves beyond critical thinking and allows you to experience on a deeper level

you want to experience sustainable transformation that is led by you and happens at your own pace

you understand that you create your own reality and that changing your perception can change your life


you are looking for someone to “fix you” or do the work for you

you are not willing to go beyond the surface level of what you are experiencing

you feel that you want to spend a lot of time analysing and talking about your painful experiences

you are hoping for a miracle cure, a quick fix, or a “hack”

you believe that you and the world around you are unable to change because “that’s just how it is”

Kind words

“Sandrina is an empathetic listener and gives you space to talk about your situation without the fear of judgement, creating an environment where you feel safe and nourished. During the hypnosis, her gentle and soothing voice guides you through actions and visualisations at just the right pace.”

— Iris, Tranceformation Session

Everything is within your power,
and your power is within you.

Janice Trachtman

What happens in a hypnosis coaching session?

opening a hypnosis coaching session with a hypnotherapy client by sharing a cup of cacao

Opening the space

At the start of your Tranceformation Session, we will take a few moments to let go of your day and arrive in the space. We might sip on a cup of ceremonial cacao or herbal tea as we explore what is present for you and your intention for this session. There is time for you to share what you are currently experiencing, what you would like to change, and ask any questions you might have.

Sandrina guiding a client through a hypnotherapy session

Exploring your inner world

Once the intention of your session is clear, we will dive into the tranceformation part of your session. For this, I will invite you to get comfortable and gently guide you into a deeply relaxing trance state, where you can tap into your subconscious mind. From there, every session will look a little different as they are always tailored to you and what you are moving through. I will intuitively choose different techniques from hypnotherapy, NLP, and spiritual coaching that support your process.

A photo of the hypnosis coach and Sandrina's client sharing their experience after the hypnotherapy session

Returning to the present

When your process feels complete for the day, I will slowly guide you back out of trance. I will invite you to share what you have experienced and we will look at what has changed since the beginning of your session. Then, we will talk about what might support you after your session and if there is something you would like to explore next.

A photo of a hypnotherapy client taking time to integrate after their hypnosis coaching session


After your session, I recommend you take some time for yourself so you can fully integrate your experience. This could look like taking a gentle stroll, journalling, consciously resting, or anything else that fills your cup. As part of your Tranceformation Journey, you will also receive additional resources from me that you can use to support yourself after your session, such as recordings or workbooks.

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Imagine how it would feel to...

...(re-)connect to your essence and be in alignment

...let go of what no longer serves you and call in new energy

...open up new perspectives and change the way you view the world

white sparkles

Have a question? Find your answer...

  • Hypnosis is a tool that helps you shift into an altered state of consciousness. This state is also referred to as hypnosis or sometimes called (hypnotic) trance.

    In this trance state, you are highly aware and focussed while your body is deeply relaxed. You are able to move beyond the critical thinking part of your analytic mind and can tap into your subconscious mind more easily. This allows you to make changes to your operating system easily and effortlessly.

    Hypnotherapy utilises hypnotic techniques to work directly with the subconscious mind. It is a gentle yet powerful form of therapy that supports you in changing your perspective, perception, and behaviour.

  • Hypnosis can serve you in sheer endless ways. If what you are wanting to work on is something that your mind is involved in and you are looking for positive change, then hypnosis is likely to be a useful tool.

    I could fill an entire page (or two) listing all the possible issues that hypnosis could help with. But here are some key themes where I believe hypnosis can be a valuable support:

    • reducing stress, anxiety, and overwhelm

    • shifting your mindset

    • processing past experiences, releasing stuck emotions, and other healing work

    • understanding and overcoming unconscious blocks

    • letting go of limiting beliefs and choosing new narratives

    • connecting to your essence, embodying your highest self, and expressing yourself authentically

    • tuning into your inner guidance and making aligned decisions

    • cultivating self-love, a kinder self-talk, and more confidence

    • making behaviour, habit, and lifestyle changes

    • improving health and holistic wellbeing

  • Hypnosis is a very safe technique. As trance is a natural state of being that we move in and out of every day, there is very little risk associated with intentionally going into a trance.

    As such, negative physical reactions to hypnosis are very rare, and usually only happen when you come back out of trance too quickly. This is sometimes called a hypnosis hangover and can manifest in symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, a headache, or generally feeling a little spacy.

    There are, however, situations where hypnosis is contra-indicated and should be avoided. If you are navigating certain health conditions such as psychiatric disorders, heart problems, a life-threatening disease, epilepsy, asthma, or diabetes, hypnotherapy may not be recommended. It is always best to check with your medical professional if you are uncertain.

  • Everyone has the potential to experience hypnosis, yes. As trance is a natural state of consciousness that we experience every day, everyone is able to go into a trance.

    If hypnosis coaching or hypnotherapy works for you depends on whether or not you choose to let yourself sink into a trance state. In the end, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. This means that (contrary to what stage shows will have you believe) I can’t just snap my fingers or swing a pendulum and make you go into a trance. I can gently guide you towards it, but it is up to you whether you choose to follow my guidance or not.

  • Absolutely not. You are in control at all times during your session. In reality, there is no such thing as me “putting you” in hypnosis. Hypnosis only works if you choose to follow my guidance and move into a trance state yourself. This means that you can choose to come out of hypnosis at any time.

    You also do not need to worry that you might say or do anything that goes against your personal values, your morals, or your character. Hypnosis is neither mind control nor brainwashing.

    It is true that you are more suggestible in trance, but we only ever accept suggestions that are congruent with our beliefs. For suggestions to work, you have to be willing and ready to accept them. What hypnosis can do is lower your internal resistance to make change easier for you in a positive way.

  • Hypnosis is a powerful tool, but it is not some type of magic or a miracle cure.

    There are definitely situations where just one session can be enough to shift something. And most of the time, you will already leave your first hypnosis coaching session feeling a little different than before.

    While hypnosis holds immense potential for transformation, I am not willing to spread the misconception that you can change your entire life, completely transform deeply engrained beliefs and behavioural patterns, and heal complex (childhood) trauma in just a single session.

    Yes, we can absolutely do deep healing in just one session. But: A lot of times we need to first make our way to this healing space. And often whatever you are working through has more than one layer. We are multi-faceted beings after all and our brains are incredible at associating and weaving things together.

    What I can confidently say, however, is that hypnotherapy has been shown to create change in a fraction of the time it takes with other modalities.

  • As with every type of therapy, coaching, or healing, the answer is: It depends. (Sorry.) And in the end, it is always up to you how many sessions you would like to have.

    Personally, I think three sessions is a good number to start with for most people. This allows us the time and space to explore a few different techniques that could support you in different ways.

    To give you an example: If you are wanting to feel more confident, we might start by releasing negative beliefs that you may have about yourself. We could do inner child work or a past life regression to find and heal the root cause of a certain insecurity. Then, you might like to anchor the feeling of confidence in your body. And perhaps we finish off with connecting you to your highest (and most confident) self and creating future memories of you doing all the things that felt out of reach before.

    If you have never tried hypnotherapy before and aren’t sure it is right for you, I recommend you book in for an Intro to Hypnosis session. In this session, we will look at where you currently are, what is blocking you, and where you would like to go. From there, we can look at how many sessions might serve you to create your desired outcome.

  • I offer both face-to-face sessions in Christchurch and am happy to do live online sessions via Zoom.

  • The short answer: Intro to Hypnosis Sessions usually keep to one hour, while your Tranceformation Sessions may take up to two hours. Please allow at least half an hour after your session for integration and avoid rushing off to an appointment straight after.

    The long answer: Depending on what we are exploring, the length of hypnosis coaching sessions can vary greatly. Sometimes, shifts occur quickly and you feel that you are finished for the day after only a short 45-minute session. Other times, your subconscious mind may need extra time and space for processing. It is my intention to gently lead you through your session without watching the clock or rushing you, and I will not just disrupt your process once the timer has hit 60 minutes. To allow for this, Tranceformation Sessions are scheduled as two-hour appointments.

  • Before your first session, you will receive an intake form. I ask that you please fill out and send back this form before your first session. Besides contact details, it includes a few reflection questions for you to ponder. The more clarity you have about what you would like to achieve, the easier it will be to set an intention for your session(s) and reach your desired outcome.

    On the day, the only preparation you need to take is to make yourself comfortable, so you can relax easily during your session. What this may look like is unique to you. It could include wearing comfortable clothing, perhaps switching your contact lenses for glasses, or making sure that you don’t eat a heavy meal right beforehand.

Your tranceformation starts here

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