
Heartfelt words that encapsulate your essence, share your story, and build connection

Does this sound like you?

You want to show up authentically in a way that feels good to you

…but you don’t feel in tune with your business’ unique energy, aren’t clear on your messaging, or haven’t quite found your brand voice yet

You want to call in your soul clients

…but you are still lacking some clarity around who exactly they are and how to connect with your community in a way that makes them feel seen, heard, and understood

You want to share your message with the world and create more impact

…but thinking about conventional marketing strategies makes you cringe, so you are looking for conscious alternatives that are aligned with your values

You are all about being in service

…but that doesn’t leave you enough time to do everything yourself and you would rather spend your time doing the things that light you up

If you are looking for support with creating word magic that touches people’s hearts and souls, you are in the right place.

How I can support you

Looking for something different? If you’d love to work with me but what you have in mind isn’t listed here, feel free to get in touch. I’m always happy to have a chat about your vision, and if it feels aligned for the both of us, I can create a custom offering for you.

A photo of a book open at the start of a new chapter with a vase of fresh flowers

Are your ready for soulful word magic that…

… reflects the essence of your business and allows you to show up authentically?

… resonates deeply with your soul clients and builds connection?

… empowers people to make aligned decisions?

Words from the heart

“I felt the words were so close to what I was thinking about my work and you really got me. Your knowledge of what people search for and want is intuitively written into the text.”

— Chryssie, Soul Spiritual Healing

A photo of soulful copywriter Sandrina dancing at the beach

wonderful soul!

Pleasure to meet you, I’m Sandrina.

As an intuitive copywriter, I am here to support you with translating your essence into words that resonate, connect, and empower.

I am forever inspired by the beautiful offerings that heart-centred women in business such as yourself are creating for their communities. And I love nothing more than helping you bring your visions to life.

I’ve been immersed in the world of coaching, personal growth, holistic wellbeing, and spirituality for a while now, so I know you probably started your soulful business to do some good in the world. I understand you want your offers to get seen and sold so you can create more impact and change more lives, bringing more abundance into your business along the way. And I’d be honoured to support you with the next step on your journey.

I am passionate about taking a holistic perspective, so I naturally weave together many different facets in everything that I do. My writing is a balance between knowledge and intuition, between strategy and energetics.

Are we in alignment?


you are a heart-centred woman in business, driven by a deep desire to make a difference in the world

you want to make your voice heard so you can touch more people’s hearts and change more lives

you want to share your message and sell in a way that feels good and is in line with your values

you are looking for someone who co-creates magic with you, offering you guidance and support where needed

you understand that your message grows with you and that learning how to communicate it is beyond valuable


you treat your business as a job that brings in the cash, with no mission or vision behind it

you are mainly interested in how you can persuade more people to buy from you to up your numbers

you are looking for the newest marketing tactics and consumer psychology tricks that get you results

you want to invest zero energy into this and are looking to hire someone to just “deal with it” for you

you believe that you can just invest in some copy once and then paste the same text forever and ever and ever

Let’s weave some word magic, together.

How is soulful copywriting different?



triggering your clients’ deepest fears and using their insecurities to push them into buying

empathising with how your soul clients feel while also showing them what is possible by tapping into their dreams and desires

pressuring your clients by creating a false sense of urgency or scarcity

honest and clear communication about deals and deadlines that empowers people to make a decision in their own timing

stuffing texts with keywords to favour the algorithms

crafting texts that are made for humans to read, with keywords woven organically throughout your copy

using excessive amounts of jargon to portray yourself as an expert, hoping that people will blindly trust you

speaking the language of your audience and meeting them at eye level

“Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.”

— Robin Sharma

Signs it is time to invest in copywriting...

you know in your heart that what you have to offer is deeply needed, but you struggle to express its value

you feel like you are wasting far too much time staring at the blinking cursor and waiting for the words to flow

you already pour so much energy into your website, newsletter, and social media, but you aren’t seeing any results

you feel uncomfortable when people ask for your website because it doesn’t exist or doesn’t feel like you (anymore)

you want to create more impact, but the marketing strategies you know feel pushy, salesy, and just give you the ick

A gentle reminder...

You can be the best in the world at what you do, but if you don’t show your magic, your offerings won’t get seen, loved, and bought.

Your questions, answered

  • The short answer is: There is a big difference between being able to do something and being able to do it well.

    Anyone can pick some flowers from the side of the road and shove them into a glass of water — but that doesn’t make them a florist. And in situations where it really matters, let’s say for your wedding bouquet, you would trust the professionals, right?

    The same goes for your copy. Of course, you could just quickly throw together a couple of paragraphs and tick writing your homepage off your to-do list. But working with a copywriter offers you so much more than just having the texts ready for launch. A copywriter can support you in becoming clear on your brand identity, finding your brand voice, getting to know your ideal client, improving their user experience on your website, and ultimately making more (aligned) sales.

  • In my opinion, the right time to allow support into your business is whenever you would like some support. You will always know best what you need and what works for you. That being said, there are some moments when it likely makes sense for you to work with a copywriter:

    • you are just starting your business and struggle with discovering your brand identity and voice

    • you are launching your website for the first time

    • you already have a website, but it feels no longer aligned and you want to refresh it

    • you are creating a new offering, especially if it is one with its own energy, such as a coaching programme or online course

    • you are at a point in your business where you don’t have the capacity anymore to do it all yourself and need to start outsourcing some tasks

  • Yes and no. The intention is that your copy sounds like your business. It will be written in your brand voice, which may or may not sound different to your personal voice. While soul-led entrepreneurs like you are intimately connected to their business, your business still has its own essence and energy, and with that usually its own voice.

    Personally, I like to think of copywriting less as “writing for you” and more as “translating your energy into words”. A big part of my work as a copywriter is to truly listen to you, tune into your business’ essence, and organise everything that you are already saying in into texts designed to speak to your soul clients.

  • Most likely, the answer is yes.

    Think of it this way: Your website design is the pretty packaging; your words are the gift inside.

    The wrapping is what first catches your soul clients’ attention and the first impression they get of who you are, so it is very much important to have a great-looking website. But: If there is nothing inside the pretty packaging other than hot air (or worse, rubbish), they will leave your website as fast as they can.

    In other words, your web design is what sparks their interest, your words are what gets them to stay.

    There are some web designers who are also expert copywriters, and there are some who collaborate with copywriters to offer you the full package. If that is you, then you are good to go! Often, however, website designers will only take care of what is within their expertise, aka the actual website design, and ask you to provide your own copy. In this case, it absolutely makes sense to also invest in quality texts.

  • I absolutely take SEO into account and follow best practices when crafting your copy. In general, however, my texts are written for human readers first.

    This means: My intention is to enchant your ideal clients with words that resonate with them deeply, not to favour the algorithm with a text stuffed full of keywords. In my opinion, well researched and carefully crafted long-form copy aligns with many SEO best practices. But as it is not my main focus nor expertise, I don't advertise my services as SEO copywriting or label myself an SEO copywriter.

    Of course, I fully recognise that your texts need to be found first in order to create impact, and that search engine optimisation plays an important role in this. So, I still make sure that relevant keywords are organically woven into your text, making it pleasant to read and tick as many SEO boxes as possible.

  • There is no quick and easy answer to this question, I am afraid. Your project and needs are as unique as you are. As I want to offer you exactly what you need — nothing more and nothing less — I will always create a custom quote for you. Feel free to email me with some information about your project and I will happily send you an offer.

    I realise that this answer might not be entirely helpful right now though, so let me give you some guidelines:

    • editing existing copy starts at $150

    • copy creation for long-form web pages such as landing pages and sales pages starts at $550

    • copy creation for an entire website (Home, About, Services, and more) starts at $2,500

    • If you would like to book my services per hour rather than for an entire project, I charge an hourly rate of $70.

  • I totally get it. Copywriting is an investment and, especially if you are just starting out, you might just not have the funds for it right now. (Truth be told, I wouldn’t have been in a position to invest in a professional copywriter myself when I first started my business.)

    So, what should you do when you recognise how valuable well-written copy is but you can’t afford to hire a copywriter right now? There are a few ways of saving money and still prioritising quality:

    Option 1: Hire a copywriter just for the homepage.
    As this is generally the most important page of your website, you could choose to start with only having this one done professionally. Alternatively, if you are promoting a specific product or service, you could also opt for a stand-alone landing page at first.

    Option 2: Write your copy yourself and hire a copywriter to edit it.
    If you have clarity about your soul clients, your story, and your messaging, it might be a good solution for you to write a first draft yourself and have a professional edit your copy. This will be considerably cheaper as editing text takes a lot less time than creating from scratch.

    Option 3: Book a copy coaching session.
    If you feel confident in writing your website copy yourself but you lack clarity, value a new perspective, and need strategic guidance, booking a coaching or consultation session with a copywriter could be a good fit.

  • Let me start by saying that both your website copy and the design are equally important ingredients to a good website. But when it comes to your workflow, I whole-heartedly recommend focussing on your copy first, and on the design later.

    Here’s why: Your copy is the message you share, your story. And this story follows a certain flow, which will guide the design. Designing your website first and then “filling in” some words wherever there is space is similar to first illustrating a book and then writing the story around the illustrations.

    And I am not just saying that because I am a writer. Having your copy as finalised as possible before starting your website design usually makes the design process a lot smoother and faster, as most web designers will tell you. This way, your designer (or you, if you are DIYing your website) can just focus on how to best showcase your story. Most copywriters will also deliver pre-formatted or wire-framed copy that already shows how your text could be visualised on a website for the best effect.

Ready for a new chapter
in your business?

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