
A Women’s* Circle for Reflecting & Reflection

1 November 2024

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5.30 - 8.30 pm

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Flow Wellbeing

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Your current reality is a reflection of your inner world.

To create change in our life, we need to create change within ourselves first. The reflection will follow.

Have you ever heard the expression “life is like a mirror”?

There is some truth to this. Our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are forever mirrored back to us in the world around us.

We can’t simply change the mirror to change our reflection. We need to start with ourselves.

If you feel like, right now, your internal narratives are disempowering and your mind keeps creating stories that don’t serve you, this is your invitation to join us for a deeply reflective journey.

This offering will be an opportunity to take a look in the mirror — both figuratively and literally — with the intention of truly seeing yourself and shifting your perception.

Photo of Sandrina holding a mirror at the beach

What awaits you...

Cacao Ceremony

sit in circle with other women, connect to your heart space, and set an intention for your journey

Fine Line Art Illustration of Mirror with Flowers

Mirror Work

connect to your reflection, take a moment to truly see and acknowledge all that you are

illustration of woman's inner world and infinite mind

Hypnosis Journey

meet all your different parts, transform your inner world, and cultivate a more empowering mindset

Illustration of a Woman Journalling in a Note Book


reflect on your journey and integrate your shifts with journalling prompts and inner enquiry

Join us

We so look forward to journeying with you!

Meet your facilitators

Photo of Sandrina on the beach


New Narratives Hypnotherapy

With tranceformative hypnosis journeys, Sandrina supports you to dive deep into your inner world, connect to your essence, and rewrite the stories you keep telling yourself.

Photo of Natalie from Sanctum Cacao


Spellbones & Sanctum Cacao

Through the weaving of sacred plant medicines, nature rituals, and ceremony, Natalie is here to remind you of your own power and gently guide you home to your heart.

You are so worthy of feeling wonderful.

“Sandrina created such a peaceful, safe, and welcoming space, that allowed for total relaxation and presence. The experience of her event and hypnosis journey made me feel like I came home to myself and realigned with my values and desires.”

Visioning 2024 Workshop

I love the calm and reassuring space that Sandrina creates, her voice and message is helping shift my focus periodically. Sessions with Sandrina are lifesavers, as it brings calm and harmony to my challenges. I always sleep better after a session.
Thank you!

Sparking Joy Hypnosis Journey

Have a question? Find your answer...

  • If this is your first circle, experience with hypnosis, or venture into personal development, welcome!

    Growth happens when we meet our own edges, immerse ourselves in new experiences, and step beyond our comfort zone. It is our intention to offer you a safe space to do exactly that.

    That being said, there is a difference between feeling nervous because you can sense the potential for transformation and intuitively feeling that this is not right for you, so please check in with yourself.

    If you’d like to chat to one of us about this experience to find out if this is aligned for you, feel free to connect with Sandrina through the contact form below or on Instagram.

  • We welcome all women* who resonate with the theme of this event — this includes cisgender women, transgender women, and non-binary or genderqueer people who would like to explore their feminine qualities.

    Please know it is not our intention to add more division and exclusivity to the world with the term Women’s Circle.

    The reason we are specifically inviting women* to this event, is that it will be facilitated from a feminine lense. We will be addressing themes and conditioning that show up for many women* and those who have been socialised as women.

    If this resonates, you are so welcome in this space.

  • If you have been to one of Sandrina’s hypnosis journeys in the past, this event will look a little different.

    MIRRORS will be facilitated in the style of a (women’s) circle, meaning that we will be sitting in a circle set-up, we will open and close with a sharing round, and there will be opportunities to connect with others.

    Please know that if you wish not to share and just stay in your own process, that is welcome.

  • Hypnosis, as practised during this journey, is a transformative modality for healing and personal growth.

    It is a mindfulness tool that helps us shift from our normal waking consciousness into a trance state. In this state of deep relaxation, our bodies can rest and restore, while we can move beyond our conscious mind and tap into the realm of the subconscious. This allows us to change our internal blueprint in positive ways and rewire the way we think and feel.

    Hypnosis journeys go beyond moments of blissful relaxation — they hold the potential to initiate lasting transformation for us.

    Please know: Hypnosis is a very safe and gentle modality, but it may not be recommended if you are navigating certain health conditions, such as heart issues, life-threatening diseases, epilepsy, asthma, psychiatric disorders, or severe mental health issues. Please check in with yourself and, if you are uncertain, your trusted health practitioner.

  • The most important thing to bring is simply yourself, your energy, and an openness to this experience.

    We also recommend you bring:

    • a yoga mat to sit on

    • a water bottle

    • a mug for your cacao

    • your journal and a pen

    Props to support you (blanket, bolster, eye pillow) will be provided for you.

  • Anything you feel comfortable in and that allows you to lay down and breathe in is perfect.

    We won't be doing any movement practices, so you don't need active wear.

Photo of Hypnosis Coach Sandrina holding a bouquet of flowers

Get in touch

If you have any trouble with booking online, would like to ask us a question, or feel like chatting beforehand, feel free to connect with us through the form below.

Connect with me on Instagram